40 Lessons I Learned From My First Year of Full-Time Employment

My year anniversary at my job was on March 25! In some ways it feels like I just started, and in some ways it feels like I’ve been working there forever.

  1. Take notes on everything.  OneNote is my best friend. I have to always take copious step by step notes on how to do things so I can remember them later.
  2. If I don’t exercise before work, it’s not happening.
  3. Asking questions shows initiative and it’s better to ask than to waste time doing something incorrectly.
  4. I spend more time with my co-workers than anyone else in my life, so it’s important to get along with and get to know everyone.
  5. I barely knew how to use Excel before this job.
  6. There’s nothing better than a 10 minute commute.
  7. Hitting that Reply All on an email is scary, but it’s better that everyone knows what’s going on.
  8. It’s important to have managers and directors who show they support me and want me to grow.
  9. The office is cold so I need to keep a blanket at my desk.
  10. I don’t know how much I know until I have to teach someone else.
  11. It’s ok and necessary to leave my desk and eat lunch with my co-workers or take a walk during the work day.
  12. I have good ideas worth sharing.
  13. Inbox 0 isn’t going to happen, but I do need to read every email that comes in and try to keep up with everything.
  14. I need a job where I feel uncomfortable, where I don’t know how to do things and can continue to learn every day.
  15. I need to have snacks and gum at my desk all times.
  16. I can save a lot of money just by setting up a 401(k).
  17. Volunteer and show I am willing to help with any and all work, even if it’s tedious or not for my own team.
  18. Free food is dangerous.  I’ve learned to make a plate and save it for later instead of eating 3 lunches.
  19. Even though I have dreams of being a freelancer, I love the routine and the atmosphere of a big office.
  20. It’s up to me to keep track of everything I’ve accomplished.
  21. Introduce yourself to new employees, everyone likes to see a friendly face.  Establishing an early connection goes a long way.
  22. Even when I’m only working on small tasks, all work that I do is helping.
  23. I should take advantage of the opportunities at the office.  Go to the speakers, participate in the contests, contribute to the office culture.
  24. Some higher-ups do notice the work I put in and are looking out for my best interest.
  25. There’s no way I could work at an office that requires formal attire and a full face of make up.  Thankfully advertising is pretty casual nowadays.
  26. Don’t respond to emails outside of working hours or people are going to expect you to respond outside of working hours.
  27. I love having unlimited discretionary time off and should take time off.
  28. All of my past internships have prepared me well for this job.  Thank you Meredith & James, Kim & Ivana, Roya & Jason, and Kimberly & Alex!
  29. A side hustle will help with extra spending money, but photography is not my main source of income and I don’t have to take any jobs or shoot with anyone if I don’t want to.
  30. Blue light blocking glasses are necessary when I’m staring at screens 8+ hours a day.  Without them, headaches and eye strain make me exhausted by 6pm.
  31. It’s going to take six months to feel competent and feel like you belong in the office.
  32. Double-check all emails before sending and triple check all numbers.
  33. I need to budget for car insurance.
  34. Work at a company that shows it prioritizes transparency and promoting from within rather than hiring externally.
  35. Schedule one on one time with your managers and be honest about your strengths, weaknesses, and goals.
  36. I’m grateful that my parents covered my three years of education and I don’t have any college debt.
  37. Meal prepping saves so much time and money on the weekdays.
  38. I can get a lot done before 9am.
  39. It’s important to ask how urgent a request is. Usually, it’s okay to ask for help or a time extension.
  40. Doing something after work on Friday night makes the weekend feel much longer.

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