2022 Resolutions Results

2022 Resolutions Results: 3-ish/9

Well, I made some lofty resolutions this year, and there were a bunch that I wasn’t able to accomplish since I didn’t turn them into habits. There is a lot of room for improvement, and I’m excited to set resolutions for 2023.

  1. Make my bed every day: YES
    I was very successful and this has become part of my daily routine! I have been working from home at a desk in my bedroom, so I have to make my bed to feel organized. Also sometimes I have to be on video calls, so I definitely need to keep my room pretty clean.
  2. Floss every day: NO
    I was flossing every day in January and deleted it from my Done app to focus on bigger goals, but I should’ve kep it. However, I have flossed more this year than any other year in my entire life and actually finished a roll of floss so that’s impressive to me. I’ll just have to start tracking this for 2023.
  3. Journal twice a week: NO
    I journaled like once a month. It never became a habit and I just could not hold myself accountable. I am glad I wrote the few times I did though, and it’s funny to read the entries in hindsight because I was struggling so hard with work and my roommates the first half of this year, and I am so glad I’ve moved on from that.
  4. Exercise four times a week: KIND OF
    Getting in 4 workouts a week was kind of hard and was only able to do it about half of the year. However, I was able to do 3x a week pretty often and I ran my first half marathon. Next year I really want to prioritize movement.
  5. Get through 200 pages of Spanish by the end of the year: NO
    I just could not get into the habit of doing it and only looked at the workbook once. When I moved, my Spanish workbook was out of sight, so I’ll have to put it in a more visible spot. I definitely had time to learn Spanish in 2022 and did not take advantage of it. I’m going to try hard to work on it in 2023 and make it part of my routine.
  6. Learn to code: NO
    I think it would be a great idea to learn to code, but I think there are other things I’d rather learn instead. I have been successful at teaching myself a lot of things, but I do think I would be better at learning coding with an actual class which I am not willing to invest time or money into at the moment.
  7. Have a vegetarian diet when at home: MOSTLY
    I was mostly vegetarian, but I did eat eggs. In 2022, I purchased meat only 5 times at the grocery store. I bought salami for a few charcuterie boards, dinosaur nuggets for our housewarming party, lox because it was cheaper than getting a bagel, and salami and pepperoni to make homemade pizzas at my friend’s apartment. I feel good about that and now want to work on my meat consumption at restaurants.
    Try one new recipe per month: KIND OF
    I skipped a couple of months, but some months I tried more than one new recipe. I’m considering this mostly a success because I cooked a lot of new things and even baked and tried 4 different banana bread recipes. I also make my own salad dressing. I cooked more than I have before and I know that I’ll cook more in 2023 and won’t even have to make a resolution for this.
    Spend under 4 hours a day on my phone: NO
    I use my phone for a lot of things that I don’t think are bad like reading emails or browsing podcasts on Spotify. I actually draft a ton of these blog posts (this one included) in my Notes app on my phone. After looking at my phone usage, I see that the app that is causing me to go over this 4-hour limit is usually Instagram. I often spend over an hour on the app per day, so that’s really where I need to cut back but I don’t want to feel bad about unlocking my phone to look at Goodreads.

I’ve been using the Done app to track my progress, but haven’t liked the recent updates, so I may try another app like Streaks which is $5. It’s a daily habit tracker app and has widgets for Apple iPhones so you can see your progress every time you unlock your phone and keep your goals top of mind! There are several other free habit tracker apps, or some people like to use bullet journals, so just find whatever method best fits your needs!

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