2024 New Year’s Resolutions

New year, new resolutions! My resolutions have started as general goals and then now they’re very specific measurable habits I want to build into my life. I think I established a good foundation for my habits and routines in 2022 and 2023. 2024 will be more about optimizing those and getting into even better physical shape, but also being more creative.

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  1. Learn Spanish on Duolingo for 10 minutes every day
    I’m on like year 3 of trying to learn Spanish and this is the year I’m going to do it!! I spend so much time on my phone, I might as well be doing something productive.
  2. Use conditioner and lotion whenever I shower
    I have a face skincare routine already, but I need to be better about taking care of my hair and the rest of my body. I take pride in being able to get ready in under 20 minutes, but I usually skip hair conditioner and body lotion.
  3. Reply to texts and get off my phone by 9:30pm
    Sometimes I become that person who doesn’t reply to a text for days for no good reason. For a month in 2023, I set an alarm to reply to texts at the end of the day but the alarm got annoying so I stopped, but I think I’ll be better when I track this in my app. Falling asleep has also always been a struggle for me and I suspect a big reason is because I can’t get off my phone at night. I’ll be setting my phone to “Do not disturb” from 10 pm to 8 am.
  4. Vegetarian + eggs diet for 200 days (no meat, yes eggs)
    This is a repeat resolution. I love meat, so I can’t commit to being fully vegetarian, but I want to be mostly vegetarian for all the reasons (animals, health, global warming, costs). I got to 123 days in 2023, so I’m hoping to get to 200 days in 2024.
  5. Do hip and core strengthening exercises 3x a week
    I’ve been aware that I have weak hips since high school cross country. It affects my knees and my ankles and I really want to get into great running shape, so I’m making it a resolution to finally strengthen these muscles. I also haven’t been consistent with core strength, so I’m adding that. I feel like even like 10 minutes a day would be beneficial.
  6. Make a recipe from a cookbook twice a month
    My roommate and I have a small collection of cookbooks just sitting on the counter. They’re aesthetic as heck, but I want to actually use them in 2024. I started cooking more in 2023 and have been following random recipes I see on Pinterest, so I figured I could use the physical books (and have an excuse to buy more lol). 
  7. Deep clean my bathroom once a month
    Yeah I’m exposing myself here. In 2022, I was good at using my job’s monthly “mental wellness day ” to clean my bathroom, but in 2023 I used most of my mental wellness days to travel, so I got a little lax on the cleaning.
  8. Do a photo shoot once a month
    I can’t believe I have to put this as a resolution since photography used to be my whole life for years, but I hardly took any portraits for fun in 2023 and I miss it. 
  9. Journal once a month
    I do my daily Five Minute Journal, but that doesn’t give enough space for all my random thoughts and musings. I also love re-reading full journal entries that I write, they just show me that all my stress and problems are temporary. I also have really pretty journals so I want to use them (and have an excuse to buy more as well).
  10. Take one “Self-Care Sunday” every quarter
    When I had COVID-19 this year and was stuck in my room for a week straight, I realized I couldn’t think of the last time I did nothing. The intention of the day will be spent alone doing whatever I want to do without the intention of being productive. I won’t set an alarm and I’ll spend most of the day in my apartment. No chores, blogging, working, or errands.
  11. Buy at least 3 new pairs of shoes that aren’t running shoes
    I have nerve pain in my feet, and it hurts to wear shoes that aren’t perfectly flat (but sometimes those hurt too). It has made shoe shopping frustrating, exhausting, and often unsuccessful. I only bought one pair of non-Hokas in 2023 and basically only wear my Nike sneakers. I really want another pair of everyday walking shoes, some slip-on shoes for when I have a yoga or pilates class or I’m not walking a lot, and dress flats for work. If I get around to it, I could also use new black boots and knee-high boots.

To track my progress, I will be using the Habit Tracker app that I purchased in 2023 for $6 for access to all features for life and I LOVE it. It’s very customizable and you can see your progress on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly views. You can even have collaborative goals with other people.


  1. Katherine Khaloo
    January 4, 2024 / 12:46 pm

    laura, you’re truly an inspiration – thanks for sharing these! makes me want to specfy my goals into action items!

    • January 4, 2024 / 7:42 pm

      Aww thanks for reading!! Please release at least 5 more soul chats episodes this year!!

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