Featuring: Katherine Khaloo, Podcast Host

Katherine is one of my closest friends, and we got to live together for a year in college!  She is such a sincere and caring person, and actually wants to know how you’re feeling.  She thinks and feels deeply, and I always enjoyed our late-night conversations in the kitchen.   I was stoked when Katherine launched her podcast, soul chats, last year.  It features interviews with a variety of guests who cover topics we don’t talk about enough, such as comparison, inclusive sustainability, and creativity.  Each episode is so inspiring and always leave me with something to think about!

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Name: Katherine Khaloo
Age: 22 (ah!)
Location: Los Angeles
Listen to soul chats: Spotify + Apple Podcasts + Google Podcasts
Website: soulchatsbykatherine.com
Social Media: @soul.chats on Instagram, @soulchats on TikTok, @soulchatsbykatherine on Facebook, Soul Chats by Katherine on YouTube

Tell us about your podcast, soul chats, which launched in July 2020.
Katherine Khaloo connects with the souls that inspire her to chat about the topics that set their souls on fire: from her friends, to entrepreneurs, to influencers, on topics like life expectations, fashion inclusivity, & spirituality. Soul chats is a podcast meant to allow you an hour(ish) each week to check in with yourself, get to know impassioned people, & think about the things we don’t talk about nearly enough.

What inspired you to create soul chats?
For years growing up, I’d been looking for, craving, a creative outlet. I dipped my toes into writing, painting, music—any creative hobby I could think of, but never found anything that satisfied my soul.

I also absolutely hated any and all small talk… I loved hearing how people were actually doing, having deep talks on everything, questioning existence, to the point where I started my conversations with people asking, “how is your soul doing?” While my friends were a little taken aback at first, people quickly began to lovingly laugh at me and then tell me how they were actually doing… And it almost became sort of like a brand of mine, that is, until I actually made it into one.

The idea of soul chats came to me while I was abroad, in one of those cliche “aha!” light bulb moments. I’d been having a tougher time in life, and really found listening to podcasts to be my salvation in making me feel a little less lonely. I was in a marketing class when I just started writing the idea down—from the name, to the outline, to the guests, it felt like a gift from the divine.

And it still feels that way, every moment I work on it.

Have there been any challenges you’ve encountered in building soul chats?
Oh absolutely! There’s a reason why it took over a year from conception to launch the podcast hehehe. I think the biggest setback was actually recording around five interviews with guests, only to later realize my mic wasn’t working and that the audio was just background noise on my guest’s mic. Soooo I had to figure out how to record properly and start from scratch.

While I was frustrated at the time, it was honestly for the best since it pushed me to dive into SO much research, information which has truly improved the quality of my production.

Besides that, it feels like every day is its own sort of challenge—from figuring out how to reach out to more “reach” guests, to learning how to create TikToks, to trying to increase my listenership. But that is part of the fun, and has really taught me so many things (both personally and professionally) that I don’t think I would’ve otherwise.

Who should listen to soul chats?
Anyone who is seeking to care for their soul and looking to experience a higher vibration… I really want soul chats to simultaneously be this safe haven that you can go to in moments of need and a platform that pushes you and really asks for more for yourself. When I first launched, I totally expected for people who listened to just be my friends… But as I’ve continued to grow, I’ve had people (both older and younger, and of all different genders) reach out to me to tell me how they’ve resonated with the podcast, which just fills my heart with so much joy!

How do you choose your guests, and how do you prepare for each episode?
I reach out to anyone that inspires me, which basically means every single human I know because I am genuinely so inspired by the world around me and the people I encounter in my life. When it comes to prepping for the episode, I typically DM or email whoever I would love to chat with on the podcast. From there, if they are kind enough to say yes, I ask them what they’re passionate about or what has been on their mind a lot lately for an episode topic, give them the basic outline of the show, and send a Zoom link for our chat.

One big thing when it comes to soul chats is that I make a point not to prep questions to ask my guests… I want the podcast to be as natural, genuine, and authentic as possible and have soul chats be just that—a chat. So everything you are hearing is truly me in the moment, wanting to know more about our guests thoughts or experiences!

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Who is your dream podcast guest?
I kinda joke that I want to be the Gen Z version of Brené Brown, so I think it would be so fun to actually have her on the podcast and get to chat with her… She is such an intelligent woman who has inspired me so much when it comes to vulnerability, love, and empowerment!

Has there been a moment when you felt successful and knew that all the work was worth it?
I think this question is difficult for me since I define success as feeling fulfilled rather than getting “x” amount of listens on an episode… For me, I feel “successful” and that all the work is worth it whenever someone reaches out to me to tell me how this episode impacted them, or what the podcast has made them think or do. And I’m so grateful that people have resonated with something I have (quite literally) put my heart and soul into!

When do you feel most creative?
Honestly? Kinda ironic but right after a good soul chat is when I feel most creative. I really feed off of people’s energies, and getting to talk with people on what they’re passionate about always ignites my passion and creativity!

What people, businesses, or social media accounts inspire you?
Oh gosh, so many. Currently lovingggg Lively by Laura (hehe) but every single guest I’ve had on the show are people who inspire me!

What are some goals you have for soul chats in the next few years?
I would love to continue to grow my listenership and really create more of the community behind soul chats. Once it’s safer to, I’d love to host more in-person events like live episodes, workshops, and maybe even a retreat! I’m also hoping an increase in listenership might open some doors for me in terms of people who might be interested in being on the podcast.

What advice would you give other people who are just starting a podcast?
Really ask yourself, why am I doing this? Whether it’s just for yourself or to serve others in some way, always keep that in mind as you go about in the creation of your podcast. At the end of the day, even when you hope to serve others, make sure that what you’re doing is fun for you!

Oscars Speech: Are there any people in particular you’d like to thank for helping you get this far?
I am so bad at listing specifics, because truly everyone around me has helped me so much. First and foremost, I am so grateful for my parents for being so support and my biggest fans. My mom, Ingrid, is truly my biggest supporter and I am so so thankful for her. I’m grateful for my friend, Abbey, for literally sitting me down and helping me make the action item list that finally got me to publish the podcast. Tracy helped me bring this podcast to life through creating my branding so perfectly and beautifully without me even needing to ask her—besides that, she pushes me every day to push myself and always tells me how it is. Our beautiful theme music is by my friend Cj, which truly ties the show together. Every guest on my show has truly made me love doing my podcast more and more with each episode. And most importantly, every person who listens, follows, or reaches out to me to let me know how much the podcast means to them makes my soul so so happy… So thank you!

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Any other passion projects/side hustles you’re working on?

I am also currently the Director of Social Media for the Resilient We Rise Coalition, a non-profit based in Los Angeles that provides mutual aid to our unhouse neighbors. Please go give us a follow on Instagram @rwrcoalition.

When you aren’t podcasting, what do you like to do?
Daydreaming, reading, baking banana bread (only think I can bake decently), drinking wine, watching Pride & Prejudice, and being a plant mama!

What did you want to be when you grew up?
For a while, I was convinced I’d be both a practicing lawyer and doctor at the same time?? Also wanted to be like my dad and have my own sort of restaurant one day, which has now transformed into dreams of a coffee shop/bar!!

Dream Vacation:
After this quarantine… Honestly, anywhere that lets me have my loved ones with me… And has wine, lots of wine and good food.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food no question.

The Last TV Show You Binge-Watched:
Last one I finished was The Crown, currently watching Gilmore Girls!

Favorite Podcast:
Dax Shepard’s “Armchair Expert” is what made me fall I listen to NPR’s “Up First” and The New York Times “The Daily” almost every morning… And I love “Middle Ground” by Jo Johnson and Caroline Stelte for some personal development!


Check out Katherine’s latest episode of soul chats!

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