Featuring: Lauren Belzer, Photographer & Blogger

I met Lauren the summer after our sophomore year at Chapman University, and she is the definition of a GIRL BOSS.  She’s one of those all-around talented people who is always working on something.  Lauren is a blogger, photographer, and graphic designer – on top of being a full-time social media specialist for a digital advertising firm.  Pre-COVID, I would take photos for her blog, and she definitely was a big inspiration for starting Lively by Laura.  I’m thrilled to have Lauren as my first Feature post and let her tell you more about all her creative endeavors!

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Name: Lauren Belzer
Age: 24
Location: I’m currently based in San Diego, CA – but probably shoot more in Orange County, CA than anything.
Instagram: @lobelz and @laurenbelzerphoto
Photography website:

How did you start your photo business, Lauren Belzer Photo?
I started my photo business in 2013 (I was only 16!). Photography has always been a huge outlet for me. I really love to capture PEOPLE. I have a soft spot in my heart for graduating high school + college seniors as well as capturing love stories (couples in love + engagement photos)! After taking some portraits for fun of friends in my backyard and really starting to realize I had an eye for photography, I decided to give senior portraits in my hometown a try. I booked a lot of shoots during my senior year and realized I could really make a business out of one of my biggest passions. It honestly just started with me picking up a camera and falling in love with the craft!

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Lauren took my senior photos in 2019!

Are there any challenges you’ve encountered in building your photography business, and how have you overcome them?
COMPARISON. There was a time when I would compare my photos, my IG followers, my editing style… literally EVERYTHING with other photographers. It made me actually quit on photography for just over 6 months. I didn’t want to do it anymore because I thought I wasn’t good enough. But I learned that everyone has a different style – both photographer and client – and those that like my style will hire me!

Has there been a moment when you felt successful in photography and knew that all the work was worth it?
Absolutely. When someone tells me “I love my photos!” … my heart sings. Seriously, just knowing that I made someone feel good, confident in their own skin, or happy to have photos of them and their favorite person/people together, that’s why I do what I do.

What inspired you to start your blog, laurenbelz.com?
Honestly, when big-time bloggers were first starting to come on the scene (think Amber Fillerup and Tezza), I wanted to join in… but I had NO idea how.  I have always loved to write, take photos, and have had a deep interest in fashion, beauty and lifestyle – so it was the perfect opportunity for me to put all of those things together into my very own lifestyle blog.  I then discovered Wix and played and played and played with a blog design – and never felt 100% confident with one. In 2017, when I finally launched my blog – it was AWFUL design wise, but so much fun to write about things that make my eyes sparkle and my heart flutter.  It was really just a passion project for me and still is til this day. A great creative outlet. I’ve been lucky to collaborate with some really awesome brands through it, despite it not being my full-time job.

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How did you start working with brands?
Honestly, I just reached out to brands that I was already buying from and loved. Some bit, some didn’t! One of my favorite collabs was working with PacSun for spring break swimwear back in college. They were really flexible with me on my deadlines because I told them I was going to be in Cabo the following week and REALLY wanted to shoot my content there. Those are still some of my all-time favorite blog photos.

What are your favorite and least favorite parts of blogging?
Favorite: It’s the best possible creative outlet for me. I get to really put my thoughts out in the world and get to inspire, teach, entertain and just overall engage with other people.
My least favorite: It’s a lot of pressure. I don’t know how full time bloggers do it. SO much content needs to be created (or at least on a consistent basis) and it’s a lot! Sometimes you feel pressure to really provide content, even if it’s not satisfying the reason you started your own blog in the first place. Constant battle, for sure!

What is something you wish people knew about blogging?
Bloggers work HARD. It’s not all fun and games, it’s not all pretty, not everything you see is free. When you see bloggers going on these grand vacations, they’re often working during them to provide content for collaborations. It’s really hard to turn off the job, especially when it’s a full time gig.

Are there any blogs that you regularly read?
I’m a big fan of daniellegervino.com! She has a podcast too and she’s where I get a lot of my blogging/business tips from!

How do you balance your full-time job, photography, and blogging?
BRUHHHH, you tell me? I feel like I’m always performing a juggling act. My full-time job is that, full-time… so I dedicate the time needed to that to get everything done, prove value for clients, and put food on my table and clothes on my body. Photography and blogging (along with freelance digital marketing and social media services) is my side hustle. I only take on projects and clients I know I can handle. It can be hard to say no to people if I don’t have the time because I am SUCH a yes-girl, but sometimes you have to or you’ll burn the candle at both ends.

Where/when do you feel most creative?
I feel the most creative when I’m in my own personal bubble – whether that’s at home on my couch with just my boyfriend and cat around, or with headphones in at a coffee shop drowning out everyone around me. I truly am a huge proponent of “work from anywhere,” because as a creative, I think offices can be super cramp-y on the creative flow. Sitting at the same desk every day staring at the same four walls is not exactly the most conducive to creativity, for me at least. Also Italy. Italy really makes me melt + get into a creative headspace. If I can’t BE there, I look at photos that remind me of moments and memories that spark some creativity in me.

What people, businesses, or social media accounts inspire you?
I’ve had the deepest honor of working with some amazing small business owners throughout the years who have told me that no dream I have is too big, no idea I have is too crazy, and nothing that I want to accomplish is out of reach. If you don’t already, I highly recommend following the boss babe owners of @cocoroseboutique, @bebronzestudio, and @theglowhaustans. They deserve all the love in the world for believing in me.

What advice would you give other people who are just starting their business or blog?
Do the damn thing. It’s scary, hell yes, but it’s worth it. The worst thing you could do is not at least try. If it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be. But wouldn’t you rather know that than never even try?

Where do you see your blog and photo business going in the next few years?
Being my own boss is my end goal. Whether that’s full-time photography, graphic design, or social media management. I truly believe I was meant to be a “small business owner” and “solopreneur.” Even if it doesn’t happen for the next 10 years, it’s something I work towards every day!

Oscars speech: Who would you like to thank for helping you get this far?
My family, friends and small biz mentors are 100% worthy of all the praise and thanks in the world. They have literally meant everything to me throughout the years and to this day. The faith and belief that they have in me is unparalleled. I truly owe everything to all of them for continually pushing me to achieve my dreams and for putting their trust in me to be the best I can possibly be. When they say it takes a village, oh boy does it take a village! I wouldn’t trade my little village for anything in the world.

Any other passion projects/side hustles you’re working on?
Maybe… but it’s top secret for now 😉

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A Disney Princess (but like, still kinda wanna be?)

When you aren’t working/shooting/blogging, what do you like to do?
SLEEP. When you make yourself as busy as I do – man do you cherish some shut-eye. But aside from that I love wine tasting and just being around friends & family as much as I can!

Dream Vacation?
Back to Italy 100%. That country stole my heart.<3

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
This really isn’t fair… I like so many flavors :/ I honestly love vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup though! And then ya let it melt a little bit, grab a straw, and you have a makeshift chocolate milkshake at home! #lifehacks

The Last Show You Binge-Watched?
House of Cards!

Favorite Podcast?
Is it bad that I still haven’t really hopped on the Podcast train? I like Blogging, Unscripted for biz/blog/social media stuff but honestly other than that – I really need to get into more.

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