2024 Resolutions Results


I actually forgot that I made some of these resolutions, but that’s what happens when you don’t track them. While I didn’t completely reach all my goals for 2024, I definitely made a lot of progress, and that’s what counts!  Click here to read about my past years of resolutions results.

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  1. Learn Spanish on Duolingo for 10 minutes every day: NO
    Welp, another year went by and I didn’t learn Spanish. I only did Duolingo 28 times this year. For a day, I even started German to learn some basics for my Switzerland trip.  For some reason, I just couldn’t bring myself to open the app. I’m trying to stay off my phone, so I’m going to have to figure out a better way to learn Spanish, but I think this is falling off my priorities next year. 
  2. Use conditioner and lotion whenever I shower: YES
    After getting chastised by hairdressers in both WA and CA, I finally started to take my hair care seriously. I condition my hair almost every time I shower and I loved the Ouai deep conditioning mask that my sister got me for my birthday. I’ve finally built up the habit of using body lotion after my showers as well and just use good ole Cetaphil. 
  3. Reply to texts and get off my phone by 9:30pm: NO
    I don’t know why I didn’t track this in my app, but I’m pretty sure it rarely happened. I have definitely gotten better about replying to texts when I see them, but I’m not off of my phone by 9:30pm.
  4. Vegetarian + eggs diet for 200 days (no meat, yes eggs): KIND OF
    Last year, I did 123 days and this year I did 143 days. I been following this kind of diet for three years and typically only eat meat at restaurants or when I’m at home with my parents. I will say it helps keep my grocery budget lower, but  I don’t think I need to make this a resolution anymore.
  5. Do hip and core strengthening exercises 3x a week: NO
    I didn’t count this as a successful resolution because I didn’t do these strengthening exercises 3x a week, but I usually did it 2x a week, which is better than last year. I mostly did Chloe Ting ab videos on YouTube and took a lot of barre and pilates classes this year with ClassPass. Next year, I will definitely be prioritizing strength training and hopefully see improvements on my second DEXA scan.
  6. Make a recipe from a cookbook twice a month: NO
    I actually cooked more than ever before and made a lot of new recipes, but they just weren’t from my cookbooks (a few were, though!). I felt limited by my vegetarian diet goal and the sheer volume of recipes in the books. Overall, I am happy that I cooked a lot this year. I just bought Cook This Book by Molly Baz, and I’m excited to find some new recipes in it.
  7. Deep clean my bathroom once a month: YES
    Yes I did! I feel like I just noticed my bathroom was looking dirty every month, and I actually even used up one of my cleaning spray bottles (unheard of). I hate washing my shower, but it’s actually kind of fun with a Magic Eraser and an electric scrubbing brush that helps me get all the mold off! 
  8. Do a photo shoot once a month: NO
    I thought for sure I’d be able to accomplish this since I used to do one shoot a week, but I only did 4 creative portrait shoots for fun this year. It’s so hard to schedule with people, and I just wasn’t feeling super inspired. I am hoping to do more photo shoots next year, and I already have one scheduled for January!
  9. Journal once a month: YES
    I did it! This year was very eventful, and it’s kind of fun to read back on all my feelings. I’ll probably increase the goal to twice a month next year.
  10. Take one “Self-Care Sunday” every quarter: YES
    Besides Duolingo, this was probably the hardest resolution to stick to.  This would usually happen on the last Sunday of the quarter when I’d realized I booked up all my weekends. I ended up calling these “Lazy Sundays,” and I wouldn’t allow myself to leave my apartment. I watched a lot of TV, got photo editing done, ordered food delivery, played ukulele or guitar, and called my parents. I loved this and I will definitely be continuing this next year, but I’ll allow myself to walk/run outside.
  11. Buy at least 3 new pairs of shoes that aren’t running shoes: YES
    I completely forgot this was a resolution until I started writing this post, but I did buy 8 new pairs of non-running shoes: Adidas for walking, 2 pairs of heels for weddings, summer sandals, athletic slides, fuzzy slippers, flats, and Columbia hiking boots.

To measure and track my progress, I use the Habit Tracker app. I purchased it in 2023 for $6 for access to all features for life and I LOVE it. It’s very customizable and you can see your progress in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly views. You can even have collaborative goals with other people (we love an accountability partner).

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